Winding Down for 2015

Winding Down for 2015

It’s over. Well, almost. And it was a heckuva year, and not just for us – but for you, our clients, too.


For us, after 15 years of business we came in at #3385 on Inc’s 5000 list of nationally growing private companies. Locally, we also made the MSPBJ Fast 50 as #33. We’ve added six tech support folks, and even a sales guy. (He’s not too salesy, don’t worry.)


Best of all? We’ve been able to help our clients do some amazing things. You’re winning awards, growing, moving and you’re doing great work to support your clients. Hopefully, you’ll be taking some time off to relax with friends and family (and watch the new Star Wars).


We’ll be here for you if you need us, albeit a lighter staff than normal. Non-emergency repairs may be slightly delayed so that our team can get some R&R as well. Call ahead to see how things look on any given day: 612-465-0700.


In early 2016, we’ll have some fun announcements to make. If you haven’t already received it, you’ll be getting an email in the next few days, or talk to your account rep for a sneak peek. Sorry for the secrets, but it’s for our clients, only. (If you’re intrigued, talk to the new not-too-salesy guy about becoming a client…)


Happy Holidays and thank you for everything this year, and we look forward to making your life easier in 2016, too.
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