The Move to a New MDM Platform



Let’s be honest. Migrating corporate devices to a new MDM platform probably isn’t at the top of your to-do list. Or, should we say, your “want to do” list.


It requires a ton of administrative overhead. It’s a pain. And no one really wants to do it. But, sometimes it makes sense.


Among the more daunting tasks you’ll face when considering a move to a new MDM platform is migrating devices already in the field. Tracking down devices, having them shipped back, manually wiping/re-enrolling them and then shipping them back out…In other words, a logistical nightmare.


Fortunately, we can help simplify the process. It doesn’t require a ton of overhead. It’s not a pain. It makes a lot of sense. And, well, we’re happy to help you through the process.


So, how do we do this? We’ve been using a new software platform called GroundControl: our go-to for completely automating the migration process “through the cloud.”


What’s the process look like?


From an online dashboard, we’ll set up the appropriate payloads (and even iOS updates). This contains all the necessities for enrolling a mobile device. We’re talking erasing, supervising, restoring images and supplying new MDM profiles/images. Once it’s been set up, GroundControl starts looking for devices. When a device is “seen” (when they’re plugged via USB) the updates are applied from the cloud.


What do your end users have to do? Plug in. We do the rest.


That’s it and there you have it. We set up your payload. Users plug in their devices. And you’re done.


Migration to a new MDM platform: complete.


Want to learn more? Let us know by completing the form below.


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